The following section of this manual provides interconnection
information for typical configurations of the AD1650B system.
These are organized according to the size and capabilities of
systems, as follows:
1. Single Bay systems
page 3-3
- up to 56 x 2, 48 x 4, 40 x 6, or 32 x 8
(Cameras x Monitors)
2. Two Bay systems
page 3-4
- up to 64 Cameras and 8 Monitors
3. Three Bay systems
page 3-5
- up to 128 Cameras and 8 Monitors
4. Two Bay systems
page 3-7
- up to 24 Cameras and 16 Monitors
5. Four Bay systems
page 3-8
- up to 64 Cameras and 16 Monitors
6. Six Bay systems
page 3-10
- up to 128 Cameras and 16 Monitors
Illustrations of these configurations and bay interconnections
are shown in the Typical System Connections at the end of this
manual, pages C-8 through C-13.
The instructions in the following pages and the Typical System
Connection illustrations show the modules and connections for
the maximum number of Cameras and Monitors of each
configuration. Smaller switching system matrices, such as
those ordered with future expansion in mind, may have fewer
modules installed than illustrated.
These system configurations include varied combinations of
AD1650B bays, with different mixtures of modules for power,
processor control, Video Input, and Video Output. The
different types of bays used in these configurations are:
AD1651B - CPU bay for Single Bay systems
AD1653B - CPU bay for Multiple Bay systems
AD1654 - Bay for Input Modules, Terminated
AD1655 - Bay for Input Modules, Terminated, with power
AD1656 - Bay for Input Modules, Looping
AD1657 - Bay for Output Modules, with power
AD1658 - Bay for Input Modules, Looping, with power
The descriptions in the following pages include the following
subsections of connection instructions, as applicable to each
Power/Data Interconnections
Bays that do not contain a power supply are provided power
via the Power/Data Interconnections described in each section.
All bays in the multi-bay configurations receive control
information from the AD1653B bay via either the Power/Data
Interconnections (for bays with no power supply) or separate
Data Interconnections (for bays with power supply modules).
Control Code Connections
In each configuration, Control Code for camera receivers and
other code-controlled units is provided either directly from the
J1 connector on the Power Panel of the appropriate bay, or
from flying leads on the Power/Data Interconnections. These
are identified, as appropriate to each configuration, in the
following pages. See page 2-3 for Control Code connections
to code-controlled accessories.
Video Interconnections
In most multiple-bay configurations, camera inputs switched
by the Video Input Modules are routed to the appropriate
Video Output Modules in other bays from the Video
Interconnect Panel (VIP) in the input bay. The required Video
Interconnections are identified in each configuration in the
following pages.
Video Input and Output Connections
All (Camera) video input and (Monitor) video output
connections for each type of video module are identified in
each of the following configurations.
Note: In the following configuration descriptions,
references to “left” or “right” apply to the Bays as
viewed from the REAR.
When using interbay power and data cables,
connect ground (black lead wire with lug) to
each bay with a screw.