Introduction and Overview
The AMD-3700 Telephonic Stethoscope provides high quality remote auscultation with
a number of valuable and unique features.
Low bandwidth while achieving quality auscultation. The AMD-3700 connects to
the system Data Channel via an RS232 interface operating at 19.2 Kb/s.
Same model can be configured for Transmit operation or Receive operation.
Plugging in the Chest Piece Assembly automatically puts the unit into Transmit
Mode and illuminates the TX Mode light.
In Transmit Mode, the same auscultation sounds that are sent to the remote
AMD-3700 unit are also presented at the Headset jack for local monitoring.
Leaving the Chest Piece input jack empty automatically puts the unit into Receive
Mode and illuminates the RX light.
Volume control for adjusting the sound level delivered to the Headset jack. The
Volume control works in Receive Mode for sounds received from a remote AMD-
3700 unit or in Transmit Mode for monitoring sounds generated from the Chest
Piece Assembly plugged into that local unit.
B/D Switch for an enhanced Bell/Diaphragm selection. The Bell (B) position cuts
off the high end at 250 Hz and boosts the low frequencies below 100 Hz for
enhanced heart auscultation. The Diaphragm (D) position slightly reduces the
very low frequency sounds and extends the high frequencies to 1,400 Hz. The
B/D Switch works in Receive Mode for sounds received from a remote AMD-
3700 unit or in Transmit Mode for monitoring sounds generated from the Chest
Piece Assembly plugged into that local unit.
The AMD-3700 Telephonic Stethoscope is for prescription use by medical care
II. Installation
Installing the AMD-3700 Telephonic Stethoscope is as easy as applying power and
connecting the unit to a functional Data Channel.
A. Power
Power is provided to the AMD-3700 unit from a small, wall mount Power Supply. Plug
the Power Supply into a 115 vac wall outlet and insert the plug at the end of the power
cable into the jack at the left rear of the AMD-3700 unit.
If there is no Chest Piece Assembly plugged into the unit, the RX Mode light will be lit
and the TX Mode light will be OFF. If a Chest Piece Assembly is plugged into the unit,
then the TX Mode light will be lit and the RX Mode light will be OFF.
AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc.
73 Princeton Street North Chelmsford, MA 01863
978-937-9021 (phone) 978-937-5249 (fax)