If you would like to purchase a license, select which license you would like to use and a registration code will be sent
to your email address. When a valid key has been sent, enter the key into the
screen pictured above. If you
would like to proceed with the free trial version, click on
to proceed to the evaluation version of the software.
When accessing the software, make sure to
Allow access
to all communications blocked by Windows Defender.
How To Add a Device Into Blue Iris
To add a device into the Blue Iris software, locate the IP address for your device using the Amcrest IP Config Tool. The
Amcrest IP Config Tool can be downloaded at the following web page:
In the
All Downloads
menu, click on
IP Config Software
to begin the free download. Once the download has
completed installing, locate the IP address associated with the device you would like to view in the browser.
This is the IP address that will be used in the Amcrest Blue Iris Software. To add a device, navigate to the Blue Iris
software and click on the