Figure 6. Typical Herringbone system
Dos and don'ts of herringbone system
Check for corrosive industrial process in
proposed building - e.g. cleaning, electroplating,
printers using sugar powder etc.
Install system with extra 90° bends without asking
AmbiRad if the system will operate correctly.
Drain all flue ducts and seal all joints.
Install flue with vertical rise without firstly fitting a
drain point at it’s lowest level.
Secure joints with pop rivets as well as sealing
compound (refer to assembly instructions).
Fit fan with outlet vertical or with top horizontal
Fit drain traps before and after fans (see figs 4). Fit damper upside down or on it’s side.
Fit expansion joints before fan and at
intermediate points on the herringbone system.
Fit damper wrong way round. (see fig14 page 31.)
Run drains in galvanised steel or plastic pipes.
Follow guide to combined flue heating system.
Check design pressure drop.
Run drains in copper or mild steel pipework.