4.8 Radiant Tube Servicing
Step 1 Brush any dust from the exterior of the
Step 2 Inspect the fan and burner tubes
visually. If the tubes appear clean, skip to
servicing the reflector.
Step 3 Remove the U bend (or damper - HB
products or condensate box - DL products)
Step 4 Withdraw the turbulators from the
appliance. Carefully noting their condition and
position. Replace turbulators if necessary.
Step 5 The turbulators should be cleaned with
a soft brush.
Step 6 If required the interior of the tubes can
then be cleaned using an industrial vacuum
cleaner or by using long poles and a scraper.
Step 7 Refit components.
4.9 Reflector Servicing
The condition of the reflectors should be noted.
If necessary the reflectors can be cleaned with a
mild detergent.
This can significantly improve the efficiency
of the appliance.
4.10 Inspection of Flue
The flue needs to be inspected and cleaned if
necessary or in accordance to the regulations of
the country that the appliance is installed.
4.11 Re-commissioning After Service
After servicing of the heater has been
re-commission the heater as detailed in Section
3 of these instructions.