5. Outdoor temperature
13. WIFI icon
6. Outdoor humidity
14. Time
7. Indoor humidity
15. Daylight Savings Time (DST)
8. Indoor temperature
5.4.2 Initial Display Console Set Up
Insert the batteries to power up the display console.
The unit will show software version number 2 seconds after power reset.
The unit will turn on all segments of the LCD for 3 seconds after power reset, the display will attempt to register the
outdoor sensor array for 3 minutes.
Figure 14
5.4.3 Console Factory Reset Steps
Under AC power (using optional AC adapter): press and hold Light + Mode (Figure 15) for 5 seconds
Under battery power (no AC adapter connected): press and hold Light button (Figure 15) for 2 seconds
until “WAK” is displayed then press and hold Light + Mode (Figure 15) for 5 seconds
Note: WAK mode will revert to normal after 3 seconds.
6 Key function
The console has five keys for easy operation