Cooking with the Sous Vide Wand
Observe the maximum and minimum water levels to
avoid damaging the appliance.
Observe all important instructions about the safe processing
of food.
− Adhere to the temperature values and cooking times, as well as
the recommendations for further processing of the food.
− Only use the appliance for preparing vacuum-packed food.
Cooking with the Sous Vide Wand
Food such as meat, fi sh or vegetables packaged in vacuum-sealed bags is gently
cooked at a low and constant temperature below 100 °C over a long period of time.
The temperature and cooking time are precisely controlled in sous vide cooking so
that overcooking is almost impossible. The bags ensure that no liquid can escape.
In particular, meat is able to cook in its own juices and barely loses any weight. Food
prepared in this way retains its full aroma.
The ideal temperature range is between 50 °C and 65 °C. The cooked food will be
pasteurised at a temperature of 62 °C. However, the desired effect of pasteurisation
(killing of microorganisms) on the food is only achieved following the correct
combination of time and temperature. If you wish to store food that has been cooked
using the sous vide process, it should generally be immediately placed in ice water
after cooking and cooled down. The bag can then either be frozen or stored in a fridge
at a temperature below 3 °C for a few days. Please observe here, where relevant, the
corresponding recipes and recommendations for individual dishes.
If sensitive or vulnerable people (immunocompromised people, pregnant women,
small children, etc.) are also eating the food, please always ensure that the food has
been cooked for a suffi cient length of time and at the highest possible temperature.
Only then can it be guaranteed that all of the bacteria have been killed.
When selecting the vacuum bags, ensure that they are suitable for both heating and
freezing in order to avoid damage to the bags.