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© 2005 Maytag Services
Installation Instructions (all except RV’s)
`ib^o^k`b afjbkpflkp
Range may be installed with zero inches clearance
adjacent to (against) combustible construction at the rear
and on the sides below the cooktop. For complete
information in regard to the installation of wall cabinets
above the range and clearances to combustible wall
above the cooking top see the installation drawings. For
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS do not install a range in any
combustible cabinetry which is not in accord with the
installation drawings.
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30 inch (76.2 cm) dimension between cooking
top and wall cabinet shown on illustration does not apply
to ranges with an elevated oven. The 30 inch (76.2 cm)
dimension may be reduced to not less than 24 inches (61
cm) when the wall cabinets in a domestic home are
protected with fireproof materials in accordance with
American National Standards - National Fuel Gas Code or
in mobile homes when they are protected with fireproof
materials in accordance with the Federal Standard for
Mobile Home Construction and Safety.
To eliminate the risk of burns or fire by reaching over
heated surface units, cabinet storage space located
above the surface units should be avoided. If cabinet
storage is to be provided, the risk can be reduced by
installing a range hood that projects horizontally a
minimum of 5 inches (13 cm) beyond the bottom of the
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This range has been designed in
accordance with the requirements of various safety
agencies and complies with the maximum allowable
wood cabinet temperatures of 194
F. If this range
is installed with cabinets that have a lower working
temperature than 194
F, discoloration, delamination
or melting may occur.