HYST2 link should be in for signals between 1V and 5V amplitude (low level of the input pulse
must be below 0.5V). HYST link should be in for signals greater than 5V amplitude (low level of
the input pulse must be below 2V). If the input pulse amplitude is between 100mV to 1V both
HYST and HYST2 links can be taken out but the input will be at its highest sensitivity and will
be more prone to interference due to electrical noise and it therefore not normally recommended.
A maximum of one hysteresis link should be fitted.
The DC coupling link should be in for frequencies less than 10Hz.
The BIAS link should be in when input signal does not go below 0V.
For inputs above 24V (48VDC or RMS max.) both the VCC and GND link should be out.
The FREQ link should generally be left out. It can used when the display is having difficulty
registering sinewave AC inputs. If at high frequency (above 10kHz) and with input signals above
2VRMS difficulty is found in obtaining a stable display this link can be tried and it may in some
circumstances help to stabilise the display.
The LOW FREQ link is generally used for filtering out contact bounce when relay or switch contacts
are used. It can however be used with other input types to filter out high frequency noise provided
that the maximum input frequency of the pulse signal is less than 80Hz.
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