Speci fi ca tions
7 .1
Tech ni cal Speci fi ca tions
In put Types:
Up to 4 x 3 wire Pt100 RTD or
Up to 4 x 3 wire Pt1000 RTD or
Up to 8 x 2 wire Pt100 RTD or
Up to 8 x 2 wire Pt1000 RTD
Dis play res o lu tion:
or 0.1
ADC Reso lu tion:
1 in 20,000
Dis play accuracy:
0.1% of full scale when cali brated
1 digit
Sam ple Rate:
1 channel sampled per second for 3 wire inputs
1 channel sampled per half second for 2 wire inputs
Con ver sion Method:
Dual Slope ADC
Mi cro proc es sor:
Am bi ent Tem pera ture:
-10 to 60
Hu mid ity:
5 to 95% non con dens ing
Dis play:
5 digit 14.2mm + status LEDs + 4 way keypad.
6 digit 14.2mm + 4 way keypad
LED Bar Graph 20 segment bar + 5 digit 7.6mm + relay status LEDs
Power Sup ply:
AC 240V, 110V or 24V 50/60Hz or DC iso lated wide range 12 to 48V.
Spe cial sup ply types 32VAC, 48VAC 50/60Hz or DC iso lated 50 to 110V
also avail able. Note: sup ply type is fac tory con fig ured
Power Con sump tion:
AC sup ply 4 VA max,
DC sup ply (de pends on dis play type & op tions). Typical consumption for
PM4 with no options is 100mA @ 12VDC and 50mA @ 24VDC)
Out put (stan dard):
1 re lay, Form A, Voltage free output, rated 5A @ 240VAC resistive load
Re lay Ac tion:
Pro gram ma ble N.O. or N.C
7 .2
Out put Op tions
Ex tra Re lays:
Same specs. as Relay 1 (up to 3 extra relays)
Ana log Re trans mis sion:
4 to 20mA, 0 to 1V or 0 to 10V link selectable
sin gle or dual an a log out put ver sions avail able
(4-20mA will drive into re sis tive loads of up to 800
Se rial Commuications:
RS232 or RS485 serial comms. (type is factory configured)
Dig i tal Retransmission
BCD/Bi nary (iso lated)
DC Volt age Out put:
Iso lated
12V(24V) stan dard,
5V(10V) link se lecta ble (rated at 20mA)
7 .3
Physi cal Char ac ter is tics
Bezel Size:
DIN 48mm x 96mm x 10mm
Case Size:
44mm x 91mm x 120mm be hind face of panel
Panel Cut Out:
45mm x 92mm +1mm &- 0mm
Con nec tions:
Plug in screw ter mi nals (max 2.5mm wire)
400 gms Ba sic model, 450 gms with op tion card
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