Operating Instructions WFG-xx
961-01244 rev9
Analogue Output (Optional)
In addition to the features described in this manual, this 20N/70N/150N handheld force gauge has
analog signals brought out to a connector on the back panel, in addition to the connectors normally to
be found there.
The signals are a voltage from the sensor signal conditioning subsystem which represents the force
on the load cell; the other signal is a ground reference. The voltage should be approximately 0.5V at
no-load and 4.5V at full load (2Kg/7kg/15kg) with respect to the ground reference.
The signal is an output from an opamp and is NOT protected or buffered. Coupling noise to the ground
reference or the signal itself will degrade the performance of the force gauge. Drawing excessive
current from the signal line will also degrade and possibly permanently damage the force gauge. To
avoid damage and to minimise degradation of the performance of the force gauge, restrict the current
drawn from the signal line to no more than 1mA. The 2.5mm plug may transiently short the signal to
ground during insertion or removal. Ensure that the unit is powered down before attempting the
insertion or removal of this plug. The signals are NOT isolated from any of the other signals available
at the back panel so extra care should be taken when connecting this device to a system in a welding
The signal is filtered internally to reduce high frequency noise. The signal is brought out to the back
panel prior to any filtering. It is recommended that the signal be filtered with an RC filter externally e.g.
a 10k resistor and a 1uF capacitor.