Operating Instructions WFG-xx
961-01244 rev9
To View Limits
Press the SET button once. The red HOLD LED illuminates. The unit will automatically display the set
point, and then after a short delay the percentage tolerance. The display then clears back to the
normal display, and the red HOLD LED turns off.
To Chamge the Set Point
Press the SET button so the set force is displayed (HOLD LED illuminates). While this is displayed,
press the UNITS button. The screen will now alternate between NO and the indicated force value.
Apply the required load onto the sensing element and then press SET, or apply a trigger to the rear
socket. The display now shows the previously selected limits and then clears back to the normal
display, and the red HOLD LED turns off.
To Change the Percentage
Press the SET button once. The red HOLD LED illuminates. The unit will automatically display the set
point, and then after a short delay the percentage tolerance. While the tolerance is displayed, press
the UNITS button. The options are OFF (no limit checking), +/-2.5%, +/-5%, +/-10% or +/-20% of
nominal value. Once the desired limits are selected, press the SET button to confirm. The Red HOLD
LED will turn off and the unit will return to the normal display.
To Toggle Peak Hold Mode
Press the SET button once and then press the HOLD button. Upon releasing the hold button the
display will periodically flash “PH” to indicate that the unit is in peak hold mode. Pressing the HOLD
button in this mode will clear the peak value back to zero. In this mode, pressing the HOLD button will
not trigger a logging event over the RS232 channel as it does in the normal mode. Press the SET
button once and then press the HOLD button to return to the normal operating mode.
The HOLD button allows the current reading on the display to be held (data is automatically
transmitted on the communications port). The reading is maintained for 10 seconds. The hold may be
cancelled by pressing HOLD again. If the limits have been turned on, then the unit will only hold the
value if it is in range, otherwise HI or LO are displayed and an audible warning sounded.