Amacom Technologies EZDVD+RW User Manual Download Page 19

A   M   A   C   O   M            

E   Z   D   V   D   +   R   W


Identifying Your Version of Windows



Your EZDVD+RW Firewire® drive will only run under Windows 98 Second Edition. Follow these 

instructions, if you are unsure which version of Windows 98 is installed on your computer:


Right click on the icon for My Computer and select Properties.


Click the tab for General.


Your version of Windows 98 is listed in the upper right hand corner of the window. If the System 

information does not read “Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222A,” you will need 

to update your operating system.

Summary of Contents for EZDVD+RW

Page 1: ...A M A C O M E Z D V D R W 1 A M A C O M E Z D V D R W...

Page 2: ...A M A C O M E Z D V D R W 2...

Page 3: ...s FederalCommunicationsCommissionRadioFrequencyInterferenceStatement FCC WARNING Changesormodificationstothisunitnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser sauthority toope...

Page 4: ...OS 9 1 and above A D D I T I O N A L S O F T W A R E I N S T A L L A T I O N EasyCDCreator ForPC ToastLite ForMac VideoWaveMovieCreator ForPC DVDPlayBackSoftware ForPC U S I N G Y O U R E Z D V D R W...

Page 5: ...innouser serviceable parts Ifyourproductappearstobemalfunctioning youmustreturnittoAmacomtobeinspectedby aqualifiedAmacomrepresentative Neverexposeyourdevicetorainoruseitnear waterorindamporwetconditi...

Page 6: ...s andmuchmuchmore G E T T I N G S T A R T E D ThankyouforpurchasingtheAmacom EZDVD RWdrive the6in1functionsofthisdrivewillallowyou toquicklyandeasilycreateandrecordyourowndata audioandvideodiscsonDVD...

Page 7: ...RWDisc WarrantyCard Onceyouhaveunpackedthecontentsoftheboxpleasecontinuetothe SettingUpTheHardware sectionofthismanualandfollowtheinstructionstosetupyournewEZDVD RWdriveshardware SettingUpTheHardware...

Page 8: ...fileandaskyou tospecifythelocation Ifthiserroroccurs changethelocationinthedialogboxto d usb2 withoutthequotesandwhere disthedriveletterofyourCD Rom and click Ok 9 WhenWindows hascompletedthe installa...

Page 9: ...rwithAdministratorprivilegesto installtheAmacomdevicedrivers 2000and XPonly 3 PlugtheFirewirecableintotheFirewireport onyourcomputerorhub ensuringthatitis pushedfirmlyin 4 Windowswilldetecttheinsertio...

Page 10: ...houldlaunchautomaticallyand askyouifyouwanttoinstallthe software 3 Click Yes andfollowtheonscreen instructionsonscreentocomplete theinstallation 4 Whentheinstallationisfinishedyou maybeaskedtoreboot Y...

Page 11: ...thattheybenefitfromthefullrangeof InsertingDiscsIntoTheDrive 1 Pressthetrayejectbuttoninthe bottomrighthandcornerofthedrive once 2 Thetraywillejectfromthedrive 3 Placethediscthatyouwantto useontothetr...

Page 12: ...llowthe playbackofDVDmoviesonyourcomputer AppleMacintoshuserswillbeabletousethe AppleDVDPlayerthatisavailablefromApple s website Writing Discs Therearemanydifferenttypesofdiscs thatcanbecreatedandreco...

Page 13: ...edisconnectingthe interfacecablefromthecomputeror EZDVD RW NOTE PCusersmuststoptheUSB cablebyusingtheiconinthesystem tray Mac usersshouldselectthe EZDVD RWanddragthediskontothe wastebasketicon Youcano...

Page 14: ...sconnectyour Firewire cablewhileyourcomputeris onifyouareusingaMac orrunning Windows 98SE ME 2000orXP Topreventanydataloss stopthe EZDVD RWbeforedisconnectingthe interfacecablefromthecomputeror EZDVD...

Page 15: ...eproblemsafterconnectingtheEZDVD RWdrive your systemmaycontainanon compliantUSBcontroller ContactthemanufactureroftheUSBcontrolleroryour computerforpossiblesolutions Ifyoudidnotrebootyourcomputer afte...

Page 16: ...ourcomputer disconnecttheotherdevicesand connectthedevicedirectlytoeitherofthecomputer sUSBports YourEZDVD RWDriveStopsResponding Locksup orInformationGetsLostorCorruptedWhile YouAreSavingorCopyingFil...

Page 17: ...akesureyour powersupplyisconnectedand working Ifyouareusinga6pin connectormakesurethegreen powerlightison MakesuretheAmacom drivers areinstalled TheAmacom softwareCDshippedwithyour EZDVD RWincludesdri...

Page 18: ...irewire controllerinyourcomputersystem toonethatcomplieswiththe FireWireSBP 2specification In thiscase contactyourcomputer manufacturerforhelp DonotdisconnecttheEZDVD RW drivewhileitistransferring inf...

Page 19: ...these instructions ifyouareunsurewhichversionofWindows98isinstalledonyourcomputer RightclickontheiconforMyComputerandselectProperties ClickthetabforGeneral YourversionofWindows98islistedintheupperrigh...

Page 20: ...Technical Support technical amacom tech com Sales Enquiries sales amacom tech com General Enquiries enquiries amacom tech com Telephone 44 0 20 8993 7373 Facsimile 44 0 20 8993 2141 Post Amacom Techn...
