Note the correct orientation of the data cable plug
The programmer will boot and display "ALZRC 3GYS Loading data!". After a successful connection the display
will show "Load succeed!", and then displays the first menu "Basic setup".
9.2 Monitor
Use the "Monitor" menu to check the transmitter settings are correct.
When the screen shows "Basic setup", press the ENTER key to display "Monitor", and then press ENTER to
select it.
The first page shows the 4 signal channels from the receiver
A: Aileron channel, E: Elevator channel, R: Rudder channel, C: Collective channel
To check that the transmitter has all the mixing functions turned off, move each stick separately and check that
only the corresponding channel changes and the remaining channels remain unchanged.
Adjust all the transmitter channel directions, so for example, the rudder stick "R", shows "L" when the stick is
moved to the left and "R" when moved to the right. Note that “U” (up) is stick up and not up elevator.
Position the throttle at mid stick and adjust all four channels on the monitor display so the value shows 0. This
is done by using the transmitters internal fine-tuning (commonly known as Sub-trim). Look for the direction
letter changing for absolute center.
When each of the sticks are moved to the limit (up, down, left and right), ensure that the value displayed
shows 100. If not, adjust the corresponding channels end point adjustment (EPA) until it does read a value of
100. Control sensitivity can be changed later with dual rates and expo.
Examples of stick travel where the value should read 100. Also note the "L", "R", "U" & "D".
Press the DOWN/DATA- key to select the second page, showing the transmitter channel gain signal and the
gyro parameter set currently in use:
"G" indicates the transmitter gain channel value is displayed; "A" indicates tail lock gyro mode (heading hold);
"N" indicated non locked gyro mode (rate); "Condition:" current gyro parameter set. For each gyro there are
two sets of parameters to choose from. Here the value is just shown, and cannot be changed.