The gyro has three installation directions that can be chosen: 1, 2 & 3
Direction 1:
Direction 2:
Direction 3:
6. Servo arm and connecting rod installation
6.1 Swashplate servo
Firstly, confirm that the rotor head and swashplate mechanical parts are installed correctly, and move
smoothly, before being connected to the servos.
The proposed position of the ball on the swashplate servo arm is: 250/450 helicopters to 12.5mm-13mm,
500 helicopters to 14mm-14.5mm, 600 level and above to 14.5mm-15mm helicopter
6.2 Rudder servo
Firstly, verify that tail rotor mechanical parts are installed correctly, and move smoothly, by moving the tail
control pushrod by hand.
The proposed position of the ball on the tail servo arm is: 250 helicopter to 4.5mm, 450/500 helicopters to
7.5mm-10mm, 600 and above helicopters to 13.5mm-15mm.
Temporarily install the tail control rod on the rudder servo arm ball. With the servo arm square to the control
rod, adjust the length of the tail control rod for a tail pitch of 8 degrees.