n UPS Systems
2012-06-12 15
1. Turn off the INVERTER mod ule byP pressing &
o n the LCD pa nelP simultaniou sly.P2. Open the
BATTERY bre aker/P fuses.P3. Op en the RECTIFIER
bre aker.P4. Wa it 5 minute s fo r DC Pc apa citor to
discha rge.P5. Open the RESERVE b rea ker. P6. Open
the INPUT brea ke r. P7. Lo ck the d oor.
1. Close the INPUT bre aker.P2. Close the RESERVE
bre aker.P3. Close the RECTIFIER brea ke r.P4 . Wait 30
seco und fo r the DC bu s P vo lta ge to rise .The warning
LEDsP "BAT LOW" a nd 'BAT LOW STO P"P on th e fron t
pa nel will turn o ff.P5. Close the BATTERY brea ke r/P
fuses.P6. Start t he INVERTER mod ule byP p ressing &
o n the LCD pa nelP simultaniou sly.P7. The lo ad will
tran sfe r to inverterP outp ut in ap pro xima tely 7
seco nds. P8. Lo ck the d oor.
Operating Proced ure
Warn ing : For Installa tion & First Time Sta rtup, Plea se Se
St artup Proc edure
Shutdown Proc edure
Inverter to Manual Bypass Procedure
Manual Bypass to Inv erterP Proc edure
1. Turn off the INVERTER mod ule byP pressing &
o n the LCD pa nelP simultaniou sly.P2. Open the
BATTERY bre aker/P fu ses.P3. Op en the RECTIFIER
bre aker.P4. Wa it 5 minute s fo r DC c ap acitorsP to
discha rge.P5. Close th e byp ass b reaker. P6. O pen
the Reserve b reaker. P7. The UPS is now in manua l
byp ass.
1. Close a ll fuses be hin d the con trolP module doo r.P2 .
Close the RESERVE brea ke r.P3 . Ope n the Byp ass
bre akerP4. Close the RECTIFIER bre aker.P5. Wait 30
seco nds for the DC b us P voltag e to rise .The warning
LEDsP "BAT LOW" a nd 'BAT LOW STO P"P on th e fron t
pa nel will turn o ff.P6. Close the BATTERY b rea ke r/ P
fuses.P7. Start t he INVERTER mod ule byP p ressing &
o n the LCD pa nelP simultaniou sly.P8. The lo ad will
tran sfe r to inverterP outp ut in ap pro xima tely 7
seco nds. P9. Lo ck the d oor.
Before Maintenanc e beginsPOn UPS
1. Op en a ll fu ses be hind the co ntrolP mo dule
do or.
Da ngerous AC & DC PHIGH
Table 5.1
Weight, Dimensions and Loading of the 10 to 60kVA UPS systems.
UPS Rating
(kVA) W
D (Depth)
H (Height)
UPS Floor
559mm (22.0")
815mm (32.0") 1,600mm (63.0")
250kg (550lbs) 625kg/sq.m
559mm (22.0")
815mm (32.0") 1,600mm (63.0")
300kg (660lbs) 750kg/sq.m
559mm (22.0")
815mm (32.0") 1,600mm (63.0")
400kg (880lbs) 1,000kg/sq.m
559mm (22.0")
815mm (32.0") 1,600mm (63.0") 480kg (1,056lbs) 1,200kg/sq.m
559mm (22.0")
815mm (32.0") 1,600mm (63.0") 550kg (1,210lbs) 1,375kg/sq.m (273lbs/sq.ft)
559mm (22.0")
815mm (32.0") 1,600mm (63.0") 680kg (1,496lbs) 1,700kg/sq.m
Figure 5.2
10kVA to 60kVA Interior Layout