n UPS Systems
2012-06-12 7
3.4 Reserve
If the inverter is placed into an abnormal condition, such as over temperature, short circuit,
abnormal output voltage or is overloaded for a period which exceeds the inverter’s limits, the
inverter will automatically shutdown in order to protect itself. If the AC utility power is within the
normal parameters, the static switch will automatically transfer the load to the reserve (utility)
source without interruption of the AC output.
Maintenance Bypass Mode:
During UPS maintenance procedures or battery replacement, the loads cannot be interrupted,
and as such the technician needs to turn off the inverter switch, close the bypass breaker and
then open the rectifier and reserve (utility) breakers. The UPS is now running in Maintenance
By-pass mode supplying utility AC to the loads. The AC output will not be interrupted during the
manual bypass transfer procedure because the maintenance bypass switch is designed to
supply continuous power to the loads.
Figure 3.4.1
Reserve Mode Operation
Figure 3.5.1
Maintenance (Manual) Bypass Mode Operation