Redback® Proudly Made In Australia 13
A 4510
Software Programming Guide
We will change the Event name to EndLunchMus and change the start time to five minutes before the end of lunch bell as
shown in figure 18. We will select the output to the Music folder instead of the Prebell folder as we want to play a series of
different music files.
NOTE: The Event name can be the same as another event, but the times cannot clash.
Fig 18
The new event now appears in the Event list for StandardDay as shown in figure 19.
Fig 19
We will save the calendar configuration again by navigating to the “File” menu in the top left corner and selecting “Save”.
NOTE: When the save button is pressed the configuration will be saved to the root directory from which the software was
run. In our case we ran the software directly from the SD card, so all configuration information will be saved to the SD
card. If we wish to save the configuration elsewhere we could use the “Save As” option which would allow us to navigate
to another folder. There is no option to save the configuration with a preferred name.
The configuration file is saved to the CONFIG folder and the event group information is saved to the GROUPS folder.