DE-3000+ IOI 8-15
All rights reserved © ALTRONIC, LLC 2015
9.30 The IP Address Configuration popup can be accessed by pressing the “IP AD-
DRESS” button on the MIDAS HMI Utility screen. The IP Address Configuration
popup displays the current IP address of the MIDAS HMI communicating with
the DE-3000+ computer module. The user can setup a new IP configuration by
inputting the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway on the data entry boxes
and then clicking the “Set IP to Ethernet Port 1” button. The MIDAS HMI re-
boots before saving the new IP configuration into the system.
9.31 The Time Manager Popup can be accessed by pressing the “TIME MANAGER”
button on the MIDAS HMI Utility screen. The Time Manager Popup displays the
current time of the MIDAS HMI. This time can be modified by the user.