DE-3000+ IOI 8-15
All rights reserved © ALTRONIC, LLC 2015
As the unit makes the transition from auto to manual (and vice-versa), the
4-20mA goes directly to the value specified by the Modbus register.
Registers 40255-40258 (0-100% output on AO 1-4) may be used to preload a val-
ue into the applicable Auto/Manual register before switching over to manual mode.
Note 3: Setpoint Class and Time
The highest 2 bits represent the input class (‘00’ – class A, ‘01’ – class B, ‘10’
– class C).
The lower 14 bits represent the time associated with the class (N/A for class A,
seconds for class B, and minutes for class C).
For analog channels, the first register corresponds to the low setpoint input class
and the second register corresponds to the high safety setpoint input class.
For discrete channels, the first register corresponds to the input class and the
second register is N/A.
For example, if Channel 2 is an analog input with a low setpoint class B of 60
seconds and a high setpoint class C of 10 minutes, the registers would hold the
following values:
01000000 00111100
10000000 00001010
Note 4: Calibration 1
The ZERO and SPAN Modbus registers are used to ‘tweak’ the sensors (typically
pressure) to read a known value.
SPAN – Slope of the line relating the sensor range to the domain. Typical val-
ues would be from 1-255. It is recommended that this value be read and then
changed by one. This value should not be greater than 512.
ZERO – Y-intercept of the line described above. It is recommended that this
value be read and then changed by 13.
MIN/MAX SENSOR LIMIT (Writable) – lowest and highest permissible displayed
values that can be used on a particular channel (must also consider the channel’s
decimal position). These values are signed integers. While this value may be writ-
ten, it is recommended that the PC terminal program perform this function.
Note 5: Hour/Service Meters
For both the remaining hours and the reset values, each meter uses two regis-
ters to represent the 32-bit integer. The first register is the low word and the
second is the high word. A value of ‘FFFF’ indicates that the meter is unused.
For example, the first two meters’ current hour value would be read as follows,
high word
low word
Service Meter #1
high word
low word