Functional requirements
1. Water supply must be able to deliver the needed water at a min. of 1bar pressure.
2. The water inlet temperature must not exceed 40 C (104 F).
3. The water must be without impurities as for instance floating sands > (50 µ).
4. If the ambient temperature exceeds 40
C when running constant (the motor thermal
protection switch may open and stop the motor).
5. Variation in the mains voltage supply must be within 7% of the rated value at the machine
(long or undersized extension cords can be a problem).
6. Diesel fuel must be of a standard as used on diesel engines. Kerosene can be used only in
machines with a special fuel pump (e.g. all US variants will have it).
7. Exhaust gas must be led directly into the open air without restriction.
If these requirements are met and you still experience operational break-downs, there are faults
on the system.