Start cold water mode
Start hot water mode
Temperature setting
Detergent valve A / B
Pressure gauge
Status indicators
If the machine and power supply are o.k. (depending on the electronic set-up) following will
happen doing start up:
When the main switch S1 is turned on to cold or hot water mode, the machine runs a self test (3
dashes are shown in the display). Optionally it’s possible to show the actual running hours of the
pump for 5 seconds by setting a jumper on X9 on PCB A1 before the self test.
Afterwards the motor will start building up pressure until cut off pressure and then by-pass for 20 s
before it stops. After the self test procedure the display shows the temperature setpoint C or F
(depending on dip switch setting on PCB A1).
The status indicator lights up the green light on the plug icon only and the pressure gauge shows
max. pressure.
Now the machine is on stand-by in cold water mode.
By switching to hot water mode the machine remains in stand-by mode.
When the spray handle is activated, the pump will deliver water. At the same time the fan for the
burner starts ventilating the combustion chamber for 3 s before fuel is pumped into the heat
exchanger and the combustion starts.
The water temperature will now raise until the setpoint has been reached. The combustion stops,
when the actual temp. value exceeds the setpoint, but the fan and ignition are still working. When
the temperture falls short of the setpoint combustion kicks-off again.
The detergent valve makes it possible to choose between detergent A from the built in tank or
detergent B from a canister. With the valve in off position as shown it draws in water from the
water break tank to clean the valve and the hose to the pump.
Main switch S1
Connected to water tank
Suction from pump
Pic. 4.1:
Operator panel