User’s Guide
This command returns the card model number.
Command Format: [MODCii]
Read the model of the card in slot 4 by sending [MODC4];
feedback is similar to the following:
10. [PRG]
This command puts the card into firmware update mode.
Only use when working with Altinex Technical Support.
Command Format: [PRGCii]
11. [PWR]
This command returns the card power consumption in
Command Format: [PWRCii]
Read the power consumption of the card in slot 4 by
sending [PWRC4]; feedback is similar to the following:
12. [PWRM]
This command is the same as the [PWR] command but
returns power milliwatts.
Command Format: [PWRMCii]
Read the power consumption (in milliwatts) of the card in
slot 4 by sending [PWRMC4]; feedback is like the following:
13. [SFT]
This command resets the card. It is the equivalent to
powering just the card off and on.
Command Format: [SFTCii]
Reset the card in slot by sending [SFTC4]. The card
responds with [RSTC04] indicating the card is resetting.
14. [STA]
This command enables and disables automatic feedback
from the card. The feedback format is the same as the [?Ci]
command, but only changes are reported.
Only enable this feature if control software is actively
monitoring changes in the system. Enabling this feature in
an active environment does affect system response times.
Command Format: [STAxCii]
= On/off (x = 1 to enable, 0 to disable)
Feedback Prefix Definitions:
MT Card Model Number
VR Firmware Revision
PR Power consumption
HW Hardware enable
TP Card Temperature
15. [TEMP]
This command returns the card temperature. The value is
returned in degrees Celsius.
Command Format: [TEMPCii]
Read the temperature of the card in slot 4 by sending
[TEMPC4]. The card responds with feedback:
16. [VER]
This command displays the software version of the card.
Command Format: [VERCii]
Send the command [VERC4] to check the version of the
–101 in slot 4. The card returns feedback:
690-0429-001 = firmware version
= card ID