AltiConsole Manual
Group Setup
If you are a member of a hunt group/workgroup or of multiple groups, you
can specify which groups to monitor, and whether AltiConsole should
notify you when calls come into a monitored group’s queue.
The Group tab is displayed only if you selected the “Monitor
group call queue” option at login.
To specify group call queues to monitor:
In the Available for Monitoring list, highlight the group number whose
queue you want to monitor and click Add (or Add All for all group
numbers). Groups you add are placed in the Monitor List.
Queued calls for the groups in the Monitor List will appear in your
AltiConsole main window; queued calls for the groups in the Available for
Monitoring list will not appear in your AltiConsole main window, even
though you are a member of that group.
To remove group call queues from the monitor list:
In the Monitor list, highlight the group number whose queue you don’t
want to monitor and click Remove (or Remove All for all workgroups).
The group number is moved back to the Available for Monitoring list.