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4.3.1 Analogue output voltage
The analogue voltage output can be picked up on the corresponding clamps. See chapter 4 “Terminal
In combination with a transducer which is capable to handle tension and compression forces an
analogue output of ± 10 volts is available. If an unipolar voltage is needed with such a sensor it is
possible to set the zero point of the transducer to 5 volts of the output. This zero-point elevation is also
necessary for the analogue current output. See chapter5.1
4.3.2 Analogue output current
The analogue current output can be picked up on the corresponding clamps. See chapter 4 “Terminal
The analogue current output is not capable of going below 4 mA, therefore when adjusting the
designated zero-point, the output signal has to be set slightly higher than that, just in order to check if
said signal does not virtually hang below 4 mA. If the output reacts immediately it can be set back to
4 mA, otherwise the signal of the transducer has to be checked. If the current of 4 mA does not
increase while loading a force to the transducer the polarity of the signal has to be checked. If this is of
negative polarity the signal wires need to be interchanged.
If the circuit of the analogue current output is open somehow, this is indicated by a red LED on the
4.3.3 Low-pass filter
In order to suppress unwanted high frequency disturbances a low pass filter can be switched on. The
DIP-switches have to be set accordingly:
Frequency Limit
10 Hz (Lowpass Filter)
1 kHz
Low-pass filter is not factory preset.
If an optional higher limit frequency has been ordered, the low-pass filter will be set from
10Hz to 1kHz.
Before removing the pcb from its casing, the grounded hat-rail is to be touched.