D000204 Rev. A
Section 4: Operating Stride Smart – Pain
Pain Recording
While in a session, to record pain, click on the “Pain” button
(Figure 4).
Pain can be recorded on a scale of 0-10 (0 = no pain, 10 =
maximum pain). To record pain, select a number from 0-10
and click “Set Pain Level.”
There are no prompts during the session to remind you to
input pain. It is up to the therapist to ask the patient what
their pain level is and input it throughout the session.
Once you have set the pain level, you will automatically be
sent to the “View Results” page.
Pain Results
To review previous pain recordings, click on the blue “View
Results” button. This is to the right of the green “Set Pain
Level” button.
A graph displaying all recorded pain results will be plotted
here (Figure 14). The graph displays pain in relation to
approximate body weight %. (i.e. – If you recorded a pain
level of 8 at 93% body weight, you will see the number 8
listed in-between 90-100%).
Tolerance will also be displayed. This is a measurement of
the body weight % where the patient felt the least amount of
pain. (i.e. – Patient example in Figure 14 rated a pain level
of 2 at 79% body weight).
Note: Pain results will automatically be included when you
email or save your end of session reports (discussed in section 5).
Figure 13
Figure 14