1. Introduction
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Issue 3 04/99
interconnections are shown in this chapter. The GEM80/400S controller
accommodates fast I/O modules in the controller subrack and the 400
Enhanced controller can accommodate them in additional Fast I/O subracks.
The details are given in this chapter
1.1.6. Chapter 6 - Power Supplies
This chapter provides full details of the modules used in the controller Subracks
and those used in Fast I/O Subracks. Also described is the method of allocating
power to the controller modules
1.1.7. Chapter 7 - Installation
Detailed instructions are given here for the installation of the controller.
1.1.8. Chapter 8 - Commissioning
This chapter describes how the GEM
80-400 Controller is prepared for use once it
has been installed.
1.1.9. Chapter 9 - Maintenance and Fault Finding
Here general cleaning and inspection procedures are described in addition to
lists of the Error Messages that can be generated by the GEM
80-400 Series
Controllers. Fault table information and serial link statistics are also given in this
1.1.10. Chapter 10 - Spares and Reorder Codes
This chapter lists the ordering codes for Subracks, modules, optional extras and
spares: in addition, the names of battery suppliers are also given.
1.1.11. Chapter 11 - Watchdog and Safety Circuits
This chapter details the safety features, such as earth connections, emergency
stops and watchdog circuitry, which users must be aware of and incorporate
into their system.
1.2. General
A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a solid state electronic device,
designed to interact with the industrial environment. It employs an easily
programmable memory for the internal storage of instructions. These instructions
can implement many functions including relay replacement, logic, arithmetic
and data manipulation. These functions control machines and processes via the