E32.0.A3.6C-01 Manual for connection and operation of the JDS-211 page 11 of 16
Maximum alarm-value
possible settings: AL.Lo .. max. display range
Minimum alarm-value
possible settings: min. display range .. AL.Hi
Delay of the alarm-function
in sec
possible settings: 0 .. 9999
Example: You want to have a temperature alarm-monitoring of a greenhouse. The alarm should start when
the temperature rises above 50°C or falls below 15°C.
Therefore your settings will be 50°C for the maximum alarm-value “AL.HI“ and 15°C for the mini-
mum alarm-value “AL.Lo“.
=> The alarm will be starting after the temperature rises above 50°C and stays above 50°C for
the entered delay time or after it had been falling below 15°C and stays below 15°C for the en-
tered delay time.
Please note that the alarm-outputs are inverted! This means, that the output will be active when
there is no alarm!
When pressing button 1, the display shows “
“ again. Now you have finished the configuration. Press
now button 4 to exit the menu.
6.3. Manual adjustment of the manipulating variable (manual control)
This chapter describes how to adjust manually the manipulating variable. This allows to adjust the power
supplied to the process by hand.
The manually adjusted manipulating variable is active till the menu is closed. Then the automatic regulation
will be activated again.
- The menu for the manual adjustment of the manipulating variable is called by pressing button 4 for >2
The device displays “
manipulating variable
in %
possible settings: 0,0. ... 100,0
Depending on the configurated type of control the manual adjustment of the manipulating variable is different:
By means of
button 2
button 3
your desired
manipulating variable.
The manipulating variable is immediately active and will persist till the menu is closed or it is changed
3point-motorised valve control:
By means of
button 2
button 3
your desired
manipulating variable
and validate it by
button 1
The controller calculates the needed the activation of the actuator to get the desired manipulating vari-
able and actuates the motor accordingly.
Please note: If the minimum change of manipulating variable is not reached, there will be no activation.
Press button 4 to exit the manual adjustment of the manipulating variable.
7. Serial interface
The serial interface allows the device to communicate with a host computer. Data polling and data transfer is
done in master/slave mode, so the device will only send data on demand. Every device has a unique ID-
number that makes exact identification of each device possible. With the help of a software (like EbxKonfig –
freeware version available via internet at alre.de) you are able to reassign an address to the device.
Additional accessories needed for the interface mode:
- Level converter: interface of device
i.e. EBW1
- Software for communication with the device
9-channel-software for displaying a measured value.
EASYCONTROL: universal multi-channel software for real-time-recording and displaying measure-values
of a device in ACCESS®-database-format.