c. find the city you need:
• The most likely city
name is always shown
in the input field. To
accept it, tap .
• if the desired name
does not appear, a
list a names will open
representing the names
that are the closest
match to the characters
you have entered. To
open this list before
completing your entry,
, then select
the city from the list.
5. enter the street name:
a. Start entering the street
name on the keyboard.
b. find the street you need:
• The most likely street
name is always shown
in the input field. To
accept it, tap .
• if the desired name
does not appear, a
list a names will open
representing the names
that are the closest
match to the characters
you have entered. To
open this list before
completing your entry,
, then select
the street from the list.