User manual UNii
Rev.2.11 – 14-07-2022
Change Date/Time
The system date and system time can be changed with this option. If the installer has set an NTP server in
the programming, the date and time will be automatically retrieved and daylight-saving time and wintertime
will be automatically be adjusted in the system.
If desired, the NTP server option can be turned off, then the date and time must be set manually, and you will
have to adjust the time manually during the transition to summer and winter time.
Hier mee wordt de gevoeligheid van de naderingssensor ingesteld, des gewenst kan deze ook in zijn geheel
uitgeschakeld worden. Het display zal dan pas oplichten 12l seen toets aangeraakt wordt.
System test menu
Access installer
For maintenance on the system, the supervisor must give the installer access to the system, this can be
done via this option. Here also a time is set in hours that the installer has access to the system, after the time
has elapsed the installer automatically no longer has access to the system.
Input test
An input of the system can be tested using this option. Select the desired input from the list using the
navigation keys and press the ‘Select’ function key. Activate the input by opening the door or window or
walking through the room, a signal will be heard when the input is activated.
The UNii can be connected to the mySmartControl Cloud service.
Using mySmartControl the UNii can be remotely controlled by a (mobile) APP and in the event
of an alarm a push notification can be received on the smartphone and / or tablet. For linking
the UNii with mySmartControl, consult the chapter “mySmartControl” in the user menu.
For more information regarding My Smart Control, visit
Entry- and Exit mode
The UNii is equipped with a special functionality, in accordance with the EN50131 guidelines, to reduce false
alarms. If your installer has enabled this option in the programming, the entry and exit mode works as
• If a direct or 24-hour zone is activated during an exit delay (you leave the premises), the arming process will
be cancelled. This is acoustically represented by a short signal via the LS (speaker) output. A notification (SIA
code CI) is also sent to the monitoring station that the arming has been cancelled.
• If during an entry delay (you enter the premises) a direct or 24-hour zone is activated, connected sounders
(sirens and flash units) will be activated immediately, but the alarm reporting to the monitoring station will be
delayed for at least 30 seconds later and always after expiry of the entry delay time. If the system is
disarmed before the total time has elapsed (at least 30 seconds and always after the end of the entry delay),
no notification will be sent to the monitoring station.
• If it is not possible to disarm the system within the entry delay time then all connected alarm devices will be
activated after the entry time has elapsed, but the alarm reporting to the monitoring station will be delayed
for 30 seconds.