– User guide
1.8 Connection Option module V2
- we prepare -
1.9 Connection FloorTalker
- we prepare
1.10 Connection Talker module
Talker module is small module with three permanent messages. Connect
the module to the PC connector on BLLW by special cross flat cable.
Talker module contain three messages H1
– H3:
H1 is message after dial DTMF (time to the pickup country part the
message is repeat)
H2 is message after begin the speek (green LED is light), the message is
play only one. This message can be invoked at any time the conversation
by DTMF dial
* # #
(Message H2 must be allowed in par. 01).
H3 is message befor hangup the communicator (the message is play only
The module Talk is possible programming (record the messages) by
special USB cable from PC (include power supply for module). Record the
messages we prefer by programator in production because recording via USB
cable takes a long time and it is not pleasant. Therefore, it is recommended to
only record the following message about the installation place of elevators and
other reports let predefined.