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closed automatically and a check of data will be
performed before transfer. In the event of errors in the
tables, transfer will be blocked. After clearing the errors,
transfer has to be repeated.
Direct dialling code selection:
The incoming calls can be handled in two ways:
All calls can be automatically connected to a selected
exchange. Connection takes place in
the selected MSNs
dialling numbers of
the operator separately for each
channel. In this way, it is even possible to distinguish the calls
incoming to individual telephone numbers of the GSM
channels of the gate – the calls incoming to the telephone
number of the first channel will be connected to the direct
dialling code 11, incoming calls to the number of the other
channel e.g. to the direct dialling code 12.
If a number of digits in the direct dialling code are being
set, the number will be higher than zero (max. 4 –
the number should correspond with the number of digits
of the direct dialling code of the exchange and selected
MSNs or DDIs of individual GSM modules!
), the callers may
themselves dial directly using tone selection by prese t number
of digits to the required extension. The automatic operator
waits for a pre-selected number of seconds for direct dialling
code selection. If it is not selected, the pre-selected number of
the operator (according to a channel the call is incoming from)
is dialled again.
Number of digits of
direct dialling code