Subject to change without notice | 83054200iUK | ait-deutschland GmbH
The unit is now closed.
Rinsing, filling and bleeding
the system
The system must be absolutely free from air
before commissioning.
Unsuitable quality of the water for filling up
and replenishing the heating circuit
The efficiency of the system and the service life of the
heat generator and the heating components depend
decisively on the quality of the heating water.
If the system is filled with untreated drinking water, cal
cium deposits will form as scale. Lime scale deposits
accumulate on the heat transfer surfaces of the heat
ing. The efficiency is reduced and energy costs in
crease. In extreme cases, the heat exchangers will be
Heating water quality
● For detailed information refer, among
other things, to the VDI Guidelines
2035 “Vermeidung von Schäden in
damage in hot water heating systems)
● Required pH value: 8.2 … 10;
for aluminium materials:
pH value: 8.2 … 8.5
► Fill the system with deionised heating water
(VE water) or with water corresponding to the VDI
2035 norm only (low-salt operation of the system).
2. Guide control and sensor wires inside the unit
through the provided cable duct to the water con
nection side.
1 Cable duct for control and sensor wires
3. Guide control and sensor wires out of the unit.
In order to enable unhinging of the electric
switch box in the event that customer service
is necessary, the control and sensor wires in
the heat pump must have an excess length of
about 15 cm.
4. Install control and sensor wires in a conduit as far
as where they enter the building and from there
on to the heating and heat pump regulator.
5. Connect control and sensor wires to the heating
and heat pump regulator according to the terminal
connection diagram and the circuit diagrams for
the respective model.
“Terminal diagram”, page 35, and “Circuit dia
grams“, from page 36, for the respective model
Operating manual of the heating and heat pump
6. Seal empty pipes on unit side.
7. Screw facing panels onto the heat pump.
Place lower facing panels diagonally into the
frame, close at top and fasten with in quick-re
lease screws.