*** NOTICE ***
The Alpha-Page digital pager interface system is an extremely reliable system
for sending nurse call and other alarm messages to pocket pagers. The system
sends messages to your pager(s) using a relatively high power radio signal.
This signal has considerable range and has the ability to reject radio "noise"
which could corrupt the message being sent.
Although Alpha-Page is extremely reliable in communicating messages, it
must only be used as supplemental call annunciation in life safety
applications such as nurse call/emergency call. Alpha-Page should only be
used to enhance the efficiency of a wired nurse call system. There should be a
system of call lights and audible alarms in place as the primary means of call
annunciation in nurse call/emergency call applications. Notification of patient
calls to staff members shall be the responsibility of the nurse call system.
Micro Logic Systems shall not be held liable for incidental or consequential
damages resulting from the call annunciation failure.