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Lee Shephard
Almex Optima Driver Manual
Manual Concessions
Must only be used when Authorisation has been
given by the office. Call: 01389 722 989, if no-one answers, leave a
message on the answer machine.
We will not receive payments from Transport Scotland unless
reported by the driver to the office. If you are un-sure, check with
your Depot Manager.
Customer SmartCards
When the Passenger boards the bus with a card,
they present the card to the reader. The machine will act in one of three states:-
– This usually mean a card has been mis-read or it is an invalid
The red ‘SmartCard traffic light’ stays illuminated and an error
message will be presented on screen with what is wrong. Should the
card be invalid please follow company procedures to resolve the issue.
– This usually means concessionary travel. The amber
‘SmartCard traffic light’ will stay illuminated and a destination list will be
displayed on screen. After selecting a destination stage in the normal
way, the machine will then automatically queue then issue the ticket
whilst displaying a green ‘SmartCard Traffic Light’.
In some cases, the machine may ask certain questions depending on
the class of concessionary. If the answer is yes press ISSUE if not then
press ESC. After this, the machine will continue to the destination list.
– should the card reader not appear to do anything when
presented with a card, this usually means that the card is not valid for
the area it is in, for example; a concessionary from Cornwall trying to
read a card for travel. However, it could also be that the card is damaged
and/or unreadable. In this instance please follow your company
procedure for unreadable cards.
Please note: It is best that the passenger leaves the card at the reader
until the green smartcard traffic light and ‘Pass accepted’ on the
passenger information screen is displayed. Failure to do this will result in
the machine asking for the re-presentation of the card during the