ALM-011 - ‘Akemie’s Castle’
Core Operation
Panel Layout
Please see next page for a panel diagram.
All jacks are inputs expecting control voltages except the two VCO audio outputs
at lower left. Full frequency range output is approx. 0.05Hz to just over 6kHz
All inputs expect 0-5v except chord and V/Oct inputs which expect approx. 0-10v.
All inputs with an associated white knob have a separate attenuator (or
attenuverter). The white knob acts as an offset to which any incoming control
signals are combined with (post attenuation).
All inputs with a grey knob (i.e wave selection) act as an offset with no incoming
control signal patched. With a control signal patched they become attenuators
for the patched incoming signal.
The V/Oct, ’Inv’ and ‘Fb’ inputs have no attenuation controls.
Osc B ‘Fb’ input is normalised to the main Osc A ‘Feedback’ control - i.e with
nothing externally patched into Osc B ‘FB’ input the main Osc A Feedback level
will be used.
Beware output levels can vary dramatically depending on operator setup and if
chord more is enabled (level will increase!). Watch for distortion.