ALM-011 - ‘Akemie’s Castle’
The multiplication ratio applied to the V/Oct frequency as to then apply to carrier
and modulation frequencies within the selected algorithm
Ranges increasingly from 1 to 15.
The amplitude level of the operator. Has a range of 0 to 63. Note it is normal in that;
- Sweeping the level in some situations can cause low audible clicks (this is most
noticeable in last 25% and in FM like setups).
- Very low levels will not always completely mute a operator - there can be some
Further to operator and frequency control, the output sound can be further
controlled by both feedback and chords.
As mentioned previously each VCO has a feedback setting which controls by how
much (0-7 range) the initial operator in the current (per VCO) algorithm self modulates.
Feedback can be used to produce an increasingly ‘coarser’ sound - beware however
it is dependent on the operator setup as to how much effect feedback can have. Note
feedback can also effect tuning.
By default the feedback setting of VCO A is shared across to VCO B. By patching into
VCO B’s ‘Fb’ jack this connection is broken and VCO B feedback can be independently