ALM-011 - ‘Akemie’s Castle’
VCO A is able to produce up to 5 voice chords which the V/Oct input providing the
root frequency of a selected to chord.
The type of Chord is selected by the ‘Chord’ control offset and/or a control voltage at
the associated Chord input. The chord selection with number of voices are as follows;
1. Fifth (2)
2. 1 Octave (2)
3. 2 Octave (3)
4. 3 Octave (4)
5. Major (3)
6. Minor (3)
7. Suspended (3)
8. Augmented (3)
9. Diminished (3)
10.Dominant 7th (4)
11. Major 7th (4)
12. Minor 7th (4)
13. Maj/Dominant 9th (5)
14. Detuned (3)
15. Detuned (4)
16. Detuned (5)