IP Address
This field is the LAN IP address of the home gateway.
Subnet Mask
This field is the subnet mask of the network in the LAN side.
DHCP Server
The home gateway supports DHCP service. This field indicates the enabled status of the
DHCP Server.
This field shows whether the NAT is enabled or not.
The gateway supports firewall service. This field indicates firewall service is enabled or not.
System Up Time
Shows the time in
format from when the home gateway was powered up to the web
browser requests this page.
System Date
Shows the data and time in
mm/dd/year hh:mm:ss
when the web browser requests this page.
Connected Clients
This field shows how many clients in the LAN clients connect to the home gateway.
Runtime Code Version
Shows the version of runtime code.
Boot Code Version
Shows version of boot code.
LAN MAC Address
Short for Media Access Control address, a hardware address that uniquely identifies each
node of a network. This field indicates gateway’s LAN MAC address.
WAN MAC Address
This field indicates gateway’s WAN MAC address.