11 Line configure/ Tone Setting
VoIP Setup
Line Configure/ Tone Setting
A.Call Progress Tone
This page defines the tones generated to the phone connected to the phone port.
The cadence of CPT is been defined here also. All lines use same tone
parameters. After modify the tone parameters, you must
save modify
to let the modified parameters work.
Detect Voice Busy Cycle: Use the parameters to automatic detect cadence
busy tone. When detected a voice cadence repeat over the number setting
in sequence, the VoIP Router will treat it like busy tone and disconnect
automatically. Please do not set this parameter less than
to avoid
unexpected erroneous disconnect.
B.Tone define Table
You can set up to 15 tones set for generation. For the generation, the first entry
will be used. The call progress tones, ranging from 300 Hz to 2000 Hz.
Maximum 15 tones can be defined.
Dial: Define the generated dial tone.