SportSystems, Inc.
Complete cable assembly by first determining the proper length of the cable, forming the eye and then
trimming off extra cable. Follow the steps below …
Open Turnbuckle fully as shown below. This
is important for providing tension on the cable
after it is attached to the cable.
For SideRite™ Cables, wrap cable around
the top and then the bottom depth poles for each
SideRite™ Cables. Pull the end of the cable
through the hooked end of the turnbuckle until
the cable is tight. Mark the cable to indicate
where the eye should be formed.
Thread two wire clips on to
the cable and form a loop in the
cable around the hook end of
the turnbuckle.
Thread the dead end of the
cable back through the wire
clips. Tighten wire clips with
TRIM extra cable and
tighten turnbuckle to provide
tension on the cable.
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Last Revised 8/25/2021