POEFEM24T2SFP User Manual
Alloy Computer Products Pty Ltd Copyright ©2006
System Up Time:
The time accumulated since last power up. Format is Day, Hour, Minute, Second.
(Read Only)
Current Time:
Shows the system time of the switch. Format is Day of week, Month, Day, Hours,
Minutes, Seconds, Year. Eg Mon Jan 16 3:46:49 2006 (Read Only)
BIOS Version:
The version of the BIOS in the switch. (Read Only)
Firmware Version:
The firmware version in the switch. (Read Only)
Hardware-Mechanical Version:
The hardware-mechanical version of the switch. (Read Only)
Serial Number:
The serial number assigned to the switch. (Read Only)
Host IP Address:
The IP Address of the switch. (Read Only)
Host MAC Address:
The MAC Address of the switch. (Read Only)
Device Port:
Specifies the port density and types of ports on the switch. (Read Only)
RAM Size:
The size of the DRAM in this switch. (Read Only)
Flash Size:
The size of the flash memory in the switch. (Read Only)