POEFEM24T2SFP User Manual
Alloy Computer Products Pty Ltd Copyright ©2006
To disable IGMP select the disable radio button and click Apply.
When using Active mode the switch will periodically issue the membership query
message to all hosts attached to the switch and update the multicast table
respectively. By using Active mode you will reduce multicast traffic on your
When using Passive mode, IGMP Snooping will not periodically poll the hosts in
all multicast groups, it will only send a membership query message to all hosts
once it has received a membership query message from a router.
IP Multicast Table:
Is used to display the members of each multicast group.
IP Address:
Shows the IP addresses of all multicast groups that have been registered on the
Shows the VLAN ID for each multicast group.
Member Port:
Shows the member ports of each multicast group, a group may contain a single
host or multiple hosts.