GSM Series User Manual
Alloy Computer Products Pty Ltd Copyright ©2006
3-1-3. Time Configuration
The GSM Series switches provide two methods to keep the switch’s time settings correct, they
are via manual input and via a Time Server on the internet. If you are manually entering your time
settings enter the “Year”, “Month”, “Day, “Hour”, “Minute” and “Seconds” into the space provided.
If you enter a number that is invalid, for instance you enter 61 in the seconds field it will be
rounded down to the nearest valid number, in this case 59.
If you are using NTP (Network Time Protocol) there are four built in Internet Time Servers that
you can use, or there is a space provided where you can enter a particular Time Server address.
When using NTP you will also need to specify what time zone you are presently located in. The
Time Zone is Greenwich-centered which uses the expression form of GMT +/- xx hours.
Fig. 3-7
Function Name:
Function Description:
Enter a manual system time or synchronise the GSM Series switch’s time with an
available Internet Time Server. Daylight Saving time adjustment is also supported for
different locations.
Parameter Description:
Shows the current system time.
A manual time can be set into the switch here. Enter the Year,
Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Seconds into the spaces provided. The valid
figures for the parameters Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Seconds are >=
2000, 1 – 12, 1 – 31, 0 – 23, 0 – 59, respectively. Once you have entered the
correct time click the
button to update.
Year 2000, Month = 1, Day = 1, Hour = 0, Minute = 0, Second = 0