GSM Series User Manual
Alloy Computer Products Pty Ltd Copyright ©2006
history [#]
Shows you a list of commands that have previously been entered.
When you enter this command, the CLI will show a list of commands which you have entered
before. The CLI supports up to 256 records. If no argument is typed, the CLI will list all records up
to 256. If an optional argument is given, the CLI will only show the last number of records given
by the argument.
[#]: show last number of history records. (optional)
Possible value:
[#]: 1, 2, 3, …., 256
GSM-16T2SFP(ip)# history
Command history:
0. trunk
1. exit
2. GSM-16T2SFP# trunk
3. GSM-16T2SFP(trunk)# exit
4. GSM-16T2SFP#
5. ?
6. trunk
7. exit
8. alarm
9. events
10. end
11. ip
12. help
13. ip
14. history
GSM-16T2SFP(ip)# history 3
Command history:
13. ip
14. history
15. history 3