Chapter 4: Installing BACS on a Linux System
AT-2931SX BASP SNMP Agent for Linux
This SNMP agent is designed to support the configuration and statistics
information pertaining to the AT-2931SX BASP driver. The AT-2931SX
BASP SNMP agent is available in two packaging formats: TAR archive
and RPM. Both packages include the same script and MIB files.
Installing the
TAR Archive
To uncompress and expand the tar archive, run:
% tar xvfz baspsnmp-{version}.tar
To install AT-2931SX BASP SNMP agent for Linux, perform the following
1. Copy the getBaspInfo and genBaspTraps script files into /usr/bin
2. Copy the BASP-Config-MIB.txt, BASP-Statistics-MIB.txt and Brcm-
BSAPTrap-MIB.txt into the /usr/share/snmp/mibs directory.
3. Locate the snmpd.conf file.
It is usually located in one of the following directories:
4. Add the following lines to the snmpd.conf.
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
pass . /usr/bin/getBaspInfo
5. Stop the snmpd daemon and restart it again.
% /etc/init.d/snmpd stop
% /etc/init.d/snmpd start
6. Run the genBaspTraps script to allow monitoring of the AT-2931SX
BASP trap events:
% genBaspTraps
This script can be terminated by hitting Ctrl-C keys if AT-2931SX
BASP trap event monitoring is no longer needed.