You are moments away from fresher, cleaner indoor air. Your new AllerAir unit will combat many of the
chemicals, gases, odors and particles responsible for poor indoor air quality, and in turn, health concerns
such as allergies, asthma, sick building syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity. As with any air
cleaner, proper maintenance of your unit is a vital part of keeping it operating at peak efficiency.
Model No. ___________________
Serial No. ___________________
Operation and
Maintenance Manual
A Series
As original packaging is required for warranty returns,
new AllerAir owners are advised to keep boxes and
shipping materials.
Most A units are shipped fully assembled and ready for use with the exception of the D model
which ship with their large carbon filters in a separate box. This is done to safeguard your unit during
shipping. To insert the filter/filters, refer to the Filter Assembly A, or the Filter Assembly
A D diagram on the following pages.