Great to Pedal
Connects all Great stops to the Pedal.
Swell to Pedal
Connects all Swell stops to the Pedal.
MIDI on Pedal
Opens MIDI channel to the Pedal.
Swell to Great
Intermanual coupler connecting all Swell stops to
the Great manual.
MIDI on Great
Opens MIDI channel to Great.
MIDI on Swell
Opens MIDI channel to the Swell.
Bass Coupler
When this coupler is used, the lowest note played
on the Great manual will automatically key the
appropriate Pedal note, playing those stops that
have been drawn in the Pedal division as well as
those in the Great division.
Melody Coupler
When used with an appropriate solo stop, such as a
Swell reed or Solo Organ Voice, this feature will
automatically key the highest note played on the
Great, allowing accentuation of the melody.
Alternate Tuning On
When activated, the organ’s tuning will change to
the alternate tuning selected from the Console
Controller™. See section II.A. of the Console
Controller™ and MIDI Guide in this manual for
more information about alternate tunings.