SLC 500 Thermocouple/mV Analog Input Module
Publication 1746-5.23
Hardware Features
The module fits into any single slot (other than slot 0) for I/O modules in either
an SLC 500 modular system or an SLC 500 fixed system expansion chassis
(1746-A2). It is a Class 1
module (uses 8 input words and 8 output words).
The module contains a removable terminal block providing connections for eight
thermocouple and/or analog input devices. On the terminal block are two cold-
junction compensation (CJC) sensors that compensate for the cold junction at
ambient temperature. It should also be noted there are no output channels on the
module. Configure the module with software rather than with jumpers or
1. Requires use of a Block Transfer in a remote configuration.
There is a jumper (JP1) on the circuit board. The module is
shipped with the jumper in the up position as illustrated below. Do
not change the position of JP1. The jumper is used for test
purposes only.
Jumper - Do Not move.