FLEX Ex 8 Output and HART Analog Modules
1797-IN003J-EN-P - August 2017
Program Mode Behavior
The adapter also monitors the state of the controlling processor or scanner.
Two states can be detected: run mode and program mode (idle).
When program mode is detected, the adapter can be configured to:
• continue writing the last valid received data to the module (hold last
• apply local module safe states.
• write a programmable fault state value to the module, depending upon
the module type.
1797-OE8 FLEX Ex Output Module Operation
Flexbus Communication Monitoring
The module monitors flexbus communication activity and the state of its
Output Enable bit. If it detects loss of flexbus communication activity or the
Output Enable bit transitioning to 0, it can be programmed to:
• continue writing the last valid received data to the outputs (hold last
• reset the outputs.
• write the local module fault state value to the output, depending upon
the module type.
This mechanism primarily targets fault behavior for loss of backplane
This selection could be shown as Reset Outputs but its action is Apply Local Module Safe States.
This option is only available in some adapters.